Our Speciality



Anemia Typing: Is done on basis of the RBC parameters and Peripheral smear examination. Based on type of anemia further workup is done to find the cause.

Neonatal Sepsis Screen: All neonatal samples are screened for immature cells, toxic granulations and reported with percentage of Band cells and the I/T Ratio. In case of large number of Nucleated RBCs, a corrected WBC count is provided.

Critical Sample Reporting: Any Sample with Hb < 6 gm%, TLC <3000/mm3 or > 50,000/mm3, or Platelet count < 50,000/mm3, or with abnormal cell or Parasite will be reported urgently with a Peripheral Smear examination report.



We are the only lab in Hazaribagh providing Histopathological examination of all surgically resected specimen for confirmation of diagnosis.

Tests done By Dr. Abhisek Kumar in Hazaribagh:

Biopsy / Histopathology: Over 550 Specimen in past one year of opening.

Note: Cases of Ca Gallbladder, Adenocarcinoma Appendix, 2 cases of Ca Cervix and a Ca Endometrium were incidentally found during HPE, emphasizing the need for HPE in each surgically removed tissue.



Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC)

Exfoliative cytology: Cervical/PAP Smears, Vaginal smears, Oral cytology smears.

Fluid Cytology: Body fluids for Malignant cells.

Tests done By Dr. Abhisek Kumar in Hazaribagh:

PAP Screening: 1415

FNAC: 1109

PAP Smear screening and Breast lump FNAC help in early detection of cancers and hence aid in prompt treatment leading to low mortality.


Body Fluid Examination

Routine Gross examination and cell counts. Biochemical examination: Done on Paired Serum and Ascitic/pleural fluid sample to determine SAAG/Protein gradient, LDH and ADA levels and differentiate Transudative from Exudative effusions.

Our Predefined Packages

We also have some Tailored panels especially designed as per the requirements of the consultants

Anemia Panel
  • Complete hemogram with PBS
  • Reticulocyte count
  • Serum Ferritin
  • Vit B12
Fever Screen
  • CBC with ESR
  • Urine R/E (For UTI)
  • Falcivax, WIDAL

Note: In case Dengue testing is also desired, Package will cost ₹ 2000/-

Diabetic Profile
  • NA+ & K+
  • Lipid Profile
  • Creatinine, eGFR
  • Urinary Protein / Creatinine Ratio
  • Urine R/E, MICRAL
Antenatal Profile
  • Rh ABO, GTT, CBC, HBsAg, HIV
  • Urine R/E
  • VDRL

Note: Thalassemia Screen can be added for extra ₹ 1000/-

Pre-Anaesthetic Panel
  • CBC, Rh ABO, PT
  • HIV, HBsAg, HCV
  • Urine R/E
  • Serum Creatinine
Neonatal Screen
  • CBC with ESR
  • Peripheral smear for toxic granulation
  • Band cell %, I:T Ratio, ABO Rh
  • Bilirubin Total/Direct/Indirect
  • CRP levels
Rheumatoid Screen
  • CBC
  • ESR
  • RA
  • Anti-CCP
Arthritis Panel-Basic
  • ANA, Anti-CCP
  • ESR, RA, Uric acid
  • Urine R/E
Arthritis Panel-Comprehensive
  • ANA, Anti-CCP
  • ESR, RA, Uric acid
  • Urine R/E
  • C3, HLA-B27
Rickets/Osteo Screen
  • Calcium
  • Phosphorus
  • PTH
  • Alkaline phosphatase
  • Vitamin D
  • 25-Hydroxy

List of Tests

General Tests
# Test Price Description
1 Haemoglobin / Hb ₹ 100 Automated
2 Total WBC Count / TLC ₹ 100 Automated with manual confirmation in cases of marked leucopenia / leucocytosis
3 Total and Differential WBC Count (TLC, DLC) ₹ 200 Automated With manual verification in Neubauer’s chamber.
4 CBC With ESR (includes Complete blood count with ESR, PCV, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW, MPV) ₹ 400 Automated with manual confirmation.
5 Platelet count ₹ 200 Automated with manual confirmation.
6 Complete Hemogram (includes Complete blood count with ESR, PCV, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW, MPV and comment on PBS) ₹ 550 Automated with PS comment.
7 Peripheral smear examination ₹ 200 Includes: Anemia typing/ Abnormal cells/Parasites.
8 Reticulocyte count ₹ 300 Smear examination & Calculation.
9 Reticulocyte production index ₹ 300 Calculated
10 MP/MF Slides ₹ 100 Smear examination
11 Quantitative estimation of P.falciparum/IR Calculation. ₹ 400 Smear examination & calculation.
12 I:T Ratio ( for Neonatal sepsis screen) ₹ 150 Smear examination & calculation.
13 Band cells % ₹ 150 Smear examination & calculation.
14 Absolute Neutrophil count ₹ 150 Automated with Smear examination & calculation.
15 Absolute Eosinophil Count ₹ 150 Automated with Smear examination & calculation.
16 Absolute Lymphocyte count ₹ 150 Automated with Smear examination & calculation.
17 Absolute Monocyte Count ₹ 150 Automated with Smear examination & calculation.
18 Sickling test ₹ 300 Solubility test
19 Thalassemia Screen ₹ 1200 Electrophoresis / HPLC
20 BT, CT ₹ 200 Ivy’s method
21 PT, INR ₹ 200 Photo Optical Clot Detection
22 APTT ₹ 450 Photo Optical Clot Detection
23 PT, APTT (Coagulation screen) ₹ 500 Photo Optical Clot Detection
24 FDP ₹ 1200 Latex Agglutination
25 D-dimer (Quantitative) ₹ 1500 Immunoturbidimetry
26 Mixing studies ₹ 3000 Tube Method
27 Osmotic fragility testing ₹ 600 Tube Method
28 ABO ₹ 75 Slide Method
29 Rh ₹ 75 Slide Method
30 ABO Rh ₹ 150 Slide Method
31 Direct Coomb’s test ₹ 500 Test Tube method
32 Indirect coomb’s test ₹ 550 Test Tube method
33 Indirect Coomb’s Titre ₹ 800 Dilution method
Biochemistry / Immunology
# Test Price Description
34 Total Bilirubin ₹ 200 All test done in Lab on Automated analysers with proper controls.
35 Total & Direct Bilirubin ₹ 300
36 ALP ₹ 200
37 AST ₹ 200
38 ALT ₹ 200
39 GGT ₹ 300
40 Total protein ₹ 300
41 Serum albumin ₹ 200
42 Liver function test ( Bilirubin – Total, Direct, Indirect, Total protein- Albumin, Globulin, A:G ratio, ALP, AST, ALT, GGT and PT) ₹ 1200
43 Fasting Glucose ₹ 50
44 Post Prandial Glucose ₹ 50
45 Random Blood Glucose ₹ 50
46 HbA1c ₹ 600
47 GTT, Pregnancy 75 gm ₹ 300
48 GTT, Pregnancy 100 gm ₹ 400
49 GCT, 1 Hr Obstetrical ₹ 100
50 Serum Creatinine ₹ 150
51 Serum Urea ₹ 150
52 BUN ₹ 170
53 Serum Calcium ₹ 150
54 Serum Na+ ₹ 200
55 Serum K+ ₹ 200
56 Serum Cl- ₹ 200
57 Serum Magnesium ₹ 600
58 Serum Phosphorus ₹ 200
59 Estimated GFR ₹ 200
60 Kidney function test (Includes Serum urea, creatnine, eGFR, MICRAL, Na/K/Cl, urine routine) ₹ 1500
61 Serum Amylase ₹ 400
62 Serum Lipase ₹ 600
63 ADA ₹ 500
64 ASO ₹ 500
65 Total cholesterol ₹ 200
66 HDL ₹ 200
67 LDL ₹ 200
68 Serum Triglycerides ₹ 200
69 Lipid Profile ₹ 600
70 Serum LDH ₹ 400
71 CRP ₹ 550
72 RF ₹ 500
73 Serum Uric Acid ₹ 150
74 Serum Ferritin ₹ 800
75 Serum Iron ₹ 500
76 TIBC ₹ 500
77 Iron Profile ₹ 1500
78 Anaemia Panel (Complete hemogram with PBS, Serum Ferritin and Vit B12) ₹ 2500
79 CK-MB ₹ 800
80 Trop T (Kit) ₹ 1200
81 Vit D ₹ 1500
82 Vit B12 ₹ 1200
83 Serum LDH ₹ 350
84 Serum Prolactin ₹ 500
85 TSH ₹ 300
86 Serum T3 ₹ 300
87 Serum T4 ₹ 300
88 FT3 ₹ 400
89 FT4 ₹ 400
90 Thyroid profile ₹ 750
91 Serum FT3 ₹ 400
92 Anti CCP ₹ 1800
93 Trop T ₹ 1200
94 Vit A ₹ 4500 Outsourced
95 Vit E ₹ 4500
96 Serum PSA ₹ 800
97 Serum Estradiol ₹ 800
98 Serum FSH ₹ 900
99 Serum Testosterone ₹ 900
100 Serum 17 OH Progesterone ₹ 1500
101 Serum LH ₹ 650
102 Serum ACTH ₹ 2000
103 Serum AFP ₹ 2000
104 Serum Ammonia ₹ 800
105 Serum Beta HCG ₹ 1000
106 ANA Profile ₹ 4000 Outsourced*, The test will be outsourced to NABL Accredited labs which are specialist for those testing and can provide the accurate report in shortest time, so that patient management is not affected adversely.
107 Anti Cardiolipin IgA ₹ 1000
108 Anti Cardiolipin IgG ₹ 1000
109 Anti Cardiolipin IgM ₹ 1000
110 Anti ds DNA ₹ 1800
111 Anti HAV IgM ₹ 1000
112 Anti HBc - Core Antibody IgM ₹ 1000
113 Anti HBe - Envelop Antibody ₹ 1000
114 Anti HEV IgM ₹ 1800
115 Anti Mullerian Hormone (A.M.H.) ₹ 2500
116 Anti Phospholipid Screen IgG ₹ 1000
117 Anti Phospholipid Screen IgM ₹ 1000
118 c ANCA-Anti PR3 ₹ 2000
119 p ANCA ₹ 2000
120 Cardiolipin Antibodies IgM, IgG, IgA ₹ 2100
121 Serum Bicarbonate ₹ 550
122 C3 ₹ 800
123 HLA B27 ₹ 2800
124 Insulin ₹ 1000
125 C-Peptide ₹ 1500
126 Serum IgE ₹ 800
127 Karyotyping ₹ 3000
128 TB Gold ₹ 3000
129 Gene Xpert ₹ 3000
130 Double Marker ₹ 2500
131 Triple Marker ₹ 3000
132 Quadruple Marker ₹ 4000
133 Anti TPO Ab ₹ 1500
134 Anti TSH Ab ₹ 4000
135 CA-125 ₹ 1500
*These tests are being outsourced as they are not prescribed very frequently. In case any of these test is required frequently we will initiate the test in our lab so that the reports are available in short turn-around time.
Serology And Immunology
# Test Price Description
1 Rapid test Malaria ₹ 250 Rapid Diagnostic kits are used.
2 Rapid test Typhoid ₹ 300
3 WIDAL From ₹ 200 Slide Agglutination Method
4 Rapid test Dengue ₹ 800 Quality Rapid Diagnostic kits from J.Mitra and Co are used.
5 Tridot HIV ₹ 400
6 Rapid test HBsAg ₹ 200
7 Rapid test HCV ₹ 400
8 VDRL ₹ 150 Latex Agglutination
9 Rapid test for H.pylori ₹ 800 Rapid diagnostic kits.
10 Anti HBs - Surface Antibody (ELISA) ₹ 1000 All test done in lab on Automated analysers with proper controls.
11 Anti HCV (ELISA) ₹ 1000
12 Anti HIV (ELISA) ₹ 1000
13 Aldehyde Test ₹ 200
14 Viral Markers ₹ 1000
15 ELISA for TORCH ₹ 2000
Body Fluids
# Test Price Description
1 Aspirated Fluid, (Protein + Sugar) ₹ 300 All test done in lab and interpreted by our Pathologist in context with clinical picture and other reports.
2 Aspirated Fluid, Cells Count ₹ 300
3 Aspirated Fluid, ADA ₹ 300
4 Aspirated Fluid, Malignant Cytology ₹ 500
5 Aspirated Fluid, Gram Stain ₹ 250
6 Aspirated Fluid, ZN Stain-AFB ₹ 350
7 Aspirated Fluid LDH ₹ 350
8 Seminal Fluid Examination ₹ 300
9 Seminal fluid Fructose ₹ 300
Microbiology / Micro-Serology
# Test Price Description
1 Smear Gram Stain ₹ 250 All slides and culture plates are screened and interpreted by our Pathologist in context with clinical picture and other reports.
2 Smear ZN Stain ₹ 350
3 Swab/ Fluid Culture ₹ 500
4 Urine Culture ₹ 400
5 Culture & Sensitivity Test ₹ 500
6 Blood Culture ₹ 1000
7 Stool for cyst/ ova/Parasite ₹ 150
8 Stool Culture ₹ 500
9 KOH Mount ₹ 250
10 Fungal Stain ₹ 300
11 Fungal Culture ₹ 1000
Urine Examination
# Test Price Description
1 Urine Routine and Microscopy ₹ 80 AlAll test done in lab and interpreted by our Pathologist in context with clinical picture and other reports.
2 Urine culture ₹ 400
3 Urine Sugar Fasting ₹ 50
4 Urine Sugar PP ₹ 50
5 Urine for Reducing Sugar ₹ 100
6 Urine for Protein ₹ 50
7 Urine for Ketone ₹ 50
8 Urine for Pregnancy test ₹ 100
9 MICRAL ₹ 350
10 ACR Ratio ₹ 500
11 24 Hrs Urine Protein ₹ 400
11 Urine for malignant cells ₹ 600
# Test Price Description
1 Conventional PAP smear ₹ 500 Microscopy
2 Endometrial wash cytology ₹ 500 Microscopy
3 FNAC ₹ 1000 Clinical Examination, aspiration and Microscopy
4 Fluid for Malignant cell ₹ 500 Physical Examination and Microscopy
* All Samples are reported as per latest International Guidelines with clearly defined Management protocols.
* We also accept FNAC slides where aspiration was done outside the lab by the physician or by USG/CT Guided procedures for reporting: charges 600/-
* Hospital Collection for Bedridden patients and ICU/Intra-op FNACs can be scheduled on consultation.
# Test Price Description
1 Small Tissue Biopsy (60 ml) Gall bladder, Appendix, Lymph nodes, small cutaneous/mucosal/subcutaneous, peritoneal lesion, lumpectomy/cystectomy-small. Endometrium, Cervical Biopsy, ectopic-Salpingectomy, Product of conception/D & C. ₹ 600 We have a fully functional Histopathology Lab with Tissue processor and equipment required for block making, sectioning and slide preparation.
In case of urgency, expedited processing and reporting can be done on request.
2 Medium Tissue Biopsy (250 ml) Hysterectomy, Orchidectomy, Cystectomy, myomectomy ₹ 1000
3 Large Tissue (1L) - Hysterectomy with Salpingoopherectomy, Nephrectomy, Bowel loop resection, Bone tumors. ₹ 1200
4 MRM/Radical Hysterectomy/Radical Neck dissection/ maxillectomy/Mandibulectomy ₹ 1800 + 600 for each level of lymph node sent.
4 Endoscopic biopsies ₹ 600 per site biopsied.
All specimen are examined and reported with gross and microscopic examination findings.
All malignant lesion are reported with margins, depth of invasion, lympho-vascular or perineural involvement and pathological stage.